Articles on leading websites
Amazon brings back free shipping
Amazon resumed free shipping to Israel–for purchases over $65
According to Nir Zigdon, eCommunity’s founder and CEO, who works with Amazon setting up sale pages, “the free shipping deal should have resumed a while ago; just like the rest of the world, Amazon is struggling with logistical bottlenecks, which is why they delayed the offer several times. We’re happy about resuming the offer and hope it continues in the near future.

7 Tips for Working with Amazon
Want to move up to the major league and join Amazon’s global commerce platform? This is how you do it right.
With a million active stores around the world with profits totaling $2.6 billion in the second quarter of 2019, no wonder everyone wants to be part of Amazon, the online commerce behemoth. For small businesses, the platform provides a gate into a global commerce platform where the sky is the limit.
Amazon Coming to Israel
Nir Zigdon’s lecture
An e-commerce retail opportunity–Amazon is about to change the Israeli market; how will it impact Israeli businesses?
Common E-commerce Mistakes
Nir Zigdon’s tips for safe digital commerce
An excerpt from Nir Zigdon’s “Common E-commerce Mistakes” lecture, given November 14, 2017 at the Jerusalem Business Conference. Here, Nir Zigdon talks about a common misconception–what to sell? How should we present our product on Amazon?
Increasing E-commerce Profitability
Increasing E-commerce Profitability
Nir Zigdon’s full-length lecture providing tools and tips that can increase the profitability of your organization’s e-commerce operations